Sahtia Murti


Welcome to Sahtia Murti's Portfolio
Hello! My name is Sahtia Murti. I was born on December 31, 2000. Welcome to my portfolio where you can find information about my experiences, skills, and projects I have worked on. I am an IT Consultant and Developer with 6 years of experience, based in Tangerang. I love solving customer problems with modern technology.

Mobile & Web Developer.

  • Birthday: 31 Dec 2000
  • Website:
  • Email: [email protected]
  • City: Tangerang


I love to dig into customer problems and solve them with modern technology. My personal and professional experiences have taught me the following about myself:

  • I am constantly learning new things every day
  • I focus on making high-quality decisions
  • I enjoy meeting new people and hearing new perspectives
  • I love making good quality software to solve customer problems
  • I can align, lead, and grow good engineering teams

Laravel 100%
Java/Kotlin Spring 90%
Database 90%
Flutter 90%
Java Script 80%
Server / Infra 90%


Sahtia Murti

My name is Sahtia Murti, born on December 31, 2000. I am an IT Consultant and Developer specializing in application and ERP system development. With over 6 years of experience, I have worked on various projects such as PPOB, remittance, and mobile development. I am constantly learning new things every day and enjoy meeting new people and hearing their perspectives.

Bachelor of Computer Science

2018 - 2022

Binus University, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Indonesia

Vocational High School of Software Engineering

2015 - 2018

SMK Telkom, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Professional Experience

IT Consultant - PT Media Visual Group

Mei 2019 - Present (Full Time)

Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

Here are the applications I developed:

  • Developed server infrastructure to provide VMs to all clients
  • Developed a PPOB (Payment Point Online Bank) business
  • Developed a ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) business
  • Developed a POS (Point of Sales) business
  • Developed a business for website/logo creation services

Software Developer - Xpro Software Management

Apr 2019 - Mar 2021 (Part Time)

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I developed invoicing and employee management applications for web and Android platforms. My responsibilities included:

  • Android and iOS Development using Flutter
  • Fullstack Web Development with Laravel
  • Server Management on Windows Server
  • Database Management with MySQL

Software Developer - PT Pacifica Manajemen Fasilitas - Deos(KPSG) Group - Anabatic Technology

Jul 2019 - Jul 2020 (Full Time)

Serpong, Banten, Indonesia

I developed a Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB) application called Warkat for Android devices and maintained the existing backend system. My responsibilities included:

  • Android Development using Java/Kotlin
  • Backend Development with CodeIgniter
  • Database Management with MySQL/PostgreSQL
  • IT Operations
  • Server Management on CentOS

I also developed a Remittance application called IKI AKU for Android devices, enabling international money transfers, and maintained the existing backend. My responsibilities included:

  • Android Development using Java/Kotlin
  • Backend Development with CodeIgniter
  • Database Management with MySQL/PostgreSQL
  • IT Operations
  • Server Management on CentOS
  • Communication with vendors from Taiwan

Software Developer - PT Teleanjar Indonesia

Apr 2018 - Jul 2019 (Full Time)

Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

I developed a Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB) application for Android devices and maintained the existing backend system. The technologies I used include:

  • Android Development using Java and Kotlin
  • Backend Development with CodeIgniter
  • Database Management using MySQL
  • Server Management on CentOS


Here are the applications I developed:

  • All
  • PPOB App
  • Remittance App
  • Psikotes Web
  • Company Profile
  • Mini Web Games


If you are interested in collaborating or have any questions, feel free to contact me. You can reach me at:






Sahtia Murti





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